Of all Gen. Manstein’s Infantry Divisions, Maj. Gen. Ludwig Wolff’s 22nd Division will get the...
Podcast Episodes
Episode 506-Lord Haw-Haw
Masters of Propaganda, the German state employs William Joyce to broadcast news, in a taunting...
Episode 505-Catch Me, If You Can
With the Battle of Ishun lost, the Soviets retreat, in all directions. Soon, Crimean cities are...
Episode 504-Demanding Miracles, Ignoring Reality
The German 11th Army comes at Ishun, but Gen. Kuznetsov is ready or as ready as he can be. But with three attacking forces, Gen. Erich von Manstein only needs one to get through. What follows is Russian mistakes, followed by folly, followed by German determination.
Episode 503-A Desperate Defense If Ever There Was One
After a quick and merciless victory just above the Sea of Azov, Gen. Eric Hansen readies his 6 infantry divisions to take the Crimea. But the naval infantrymen of Odessa are shipped over. The battle ground is marshy and limited so the Germans will attack all three...
Episode 502-The Wolf is at the Door
Army Group South reaches the opening of the Crimea. But waiting for the invaders are 3 lines of defense. Yet as there is no other way to gain access, the Germans will come straight at the Tatar Wall.
Episode 501-The Other Crimean War
The story of the Crimea had seen tragedies for centuries. Nothing would improve with Operation Barbarossa. Yet, the why of the importance of the Crimea to Hitler was the Stavka’s own doing.
Episode 500-Too Much, Too Soon
The Rzhev salient seems to be contained, but the new threat is near Vyazma. Can the Germans hold onto it, for the Soviets have the man power to attack from multiple vectors. German professionalism will be tested as will the heart of every Russian soldier.
Episode 499-The Wild West of the Eastern Front
As the Germans keep attacking the Rzhev Salient, another Soviet thrust comes up at Vyazma from the South East. Both sides are undermanned and under equipped. It is a time for heroes, as long as the hero doesn’t mind sacrificing himself.