Podcast Episodes

Episode 510-The Fall of Kerch

Using overwhelming artillery, the Germans close in on Sevastopol. Petrov does what he can, but the Stavka stop giving him reinforcements, thinking, the enemy can’t attack for more than 2 weeks at a time. But through daring risks, the Germans get closer, though lose...

Episode 509-Resist Today, Resist Tomorrow, Resist Until It’s Done

During WWII many civilians became resisters, rebels and they would strike at their oppressive governments in any way they could. For some, it will be boycotts, for others, they will choose to pick up weapons. Tyranny should never be allowed an easy victory.

Episode 508-The Fall of Kerch

Though outmanned, Gen. Manstein will brilliantly use what he has to out maneuver the Soviet forces on the eastern half of Crimea. It will take time, but soon the defenders are bottled up, their reinforcements cut off by the Luftwaffe. And on May 8, 1941, the final...
Episode 339-The Battle of Cape Matapan

Episode 339-The Battle of Cape Matapan

The Luftwaffe keeps trying different types of bombs until they find one that works well against Maltese buildings. And their Bf109 fighters are decimating the British Hurricanes. Malta is threatened. But Adm. Cunningham will engage the Italian Navy during the Battle...

Episode 338-The Siege of Malta Begins

Episode 338-The Siege of Malta Begins

Churchill wants the Italians hit hard as the German's begin bombing Malta almost daily. This will include Operation Colossus and Commander Shrimp's sub, HMS Upholder heading out to interdict supplies heading to Rommel in North Africa. Pic-Lt. Comm. Wanklyn and second...

Episode 337-The Illustrious Blitz

Episode 337-The Illustrious Blitz

After the successful raid against the Italy Naval Fleet at Taranto, Cunningham and Churchill wonder when the Italians will strike back and when Hitler’s Luftwaffe will join them. They will not have to wait long.

Episode 336-With A Friend Like Mussolini

Episode 336-With A Friend Like Mussolini

Malta goes stronger each day, with Churchill's help and Adm. Cunningham's persistence. Still, the clouds grow darker as Mussolini invades Greece, which prompts Hitler to get involved in the Mediterranean.

Episode 335-Churchill Wants War

Episode 335-Churchill Wants War

As Malta is pounded by Mussolini's Air Force, PM Churchill is determined not to give up on the island or any of the Mediterranean Sea. And Adm. Andrew Cunningham is in full agreement as the Battle of Calabria gets underway.

Episode 334-All Roads Go Through Malta

Episode 334-All Roads Go Through Malta

For thousands of years, Malta has had numerous masters. But as WWII seems inevitable, the British and Maltese people come together to ready themselves to take on the Axis Powers. Not until Mussolini declares war against the Allies does Malta get attacked, but even...