Within a four hour period of darkness, Pedestal will lose many ships. By morning, 7 of the 14...
Podcast Episodes
Episode 414-In the Lap of the Gods
As August 13th turns into the 14th, more ships of Pedestal are lost. Some fought bravely during...
Episode 413-I Was Always Grateful to Mussolini
The ships of Pedestal have entered The Narrows. Waiting for them are Italian E-boats that rule the...
Episode 327-The Fall of Bataan
Generals Wainwright, King and Parker are seriously considering surrendering. The problem is that Gen. MacArthur has forbidden it. But the facts of the ground dominate. Months of starvation have robbed the defenders of their ability to fight any longer.
Episode 326-Interview with Rob Lofthouse about his book Honor Through Sacrifice
Gordon Joseph Lippman was only 18 years old when he joined the army in 1943. Earning a spot in the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team, he would see action in Italy, Southern France and help Easy Company in The Battle of the Bulge. After the war, he would stay in...
Episode 325-Bataan-The Beginning of the End
During the second battle of Bataan, Gen. Homma has a specific plan, whereas the Allies are simply trying to hold onto their defensive line. But the men on the line are far too weak to offer any real resistance. Sector D has been crushed and its Sector C’s turn. If it...
Episode 324-The Second Battle of Bataan
Gen. Homma, now resupplied and reinforced, will come again. But this time, with MacArthur gone, the Japanese will face Gen. Edward P. King. And he is determined to hold out. But Homma’s plan is straightforward, to bombard the main defensive line to smithereens even...
Episode 323-Bataan: The Readiness is All
As Gen. Homma’ reinforcements come in, his confidence grows. Yet his plan to conquer southern Bataan and Corregidor is flawed. Meanwhile, Gen. Jonathan Wainwright is doing all he can to prepare his men to fight the enemy.
Episode 322-The Battling Bastards of Bataan
As Gen. Homma, commander of the Japanese forces in The Philippines brings in reinforcements and food, the American Government is finding it all but impossible to resupply Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, the new commander on Corregidor.