Podcast Episodes

Episode 510-The Fall of Kerch

Using overwhelming artillery, the Germans close in on Sevastopol. Petrov does what he can, but the Stavka stop giving him reinforcements, thinking, the enemy can’t attack for more than 2 weeks at a time. But through daring risks, the Germans get closer, though lose...

Episode 509-Resist Today, Resist Tomorrow, Resist Until It’s Done

During WWII many civilians became resisters, rebels and they would strike at their oppressive governments in any way they could. For some, it will be boycotts, for others, they will choose to pick up weapons. Tyranny should never be allowed an easy victory.

Episode 508-The Fall of Kerch

Though outmanned, Gen. Manstein will brilliantly use what he has to out maneuver the Soviet forces on the eastern half of Crimea. It will take time, but soon the defenders are bottled up, their reinforcements cut off by the Luftwaffe. And on May 8, 1941, the final...
Episode 327-The Fall of Bataan

Episode 327-The Fall of Bataan

Generals Wainwright, King and Parker are seriously considering surrendering. The problem is that Gen. MacArthur has forbidden it. But the facts of the ground dominate. Months of starvation have robbed the defenders of their ability to fight any longer.

Episode 325-Bataan-The Beginning of the End

Episode 325-Bataan-The Beginning of the End

During the second battle of Bataan, Gen. Homma has a specific plan, whereas the Allies are simply trying to hold onto their defensive line. But the men on the line are far too weak to offer any real resistance. Sector D has been crushed and its Sector C’s turn. If it...

Episode 324-The Second Battle of Bataan

Episode 324-The Second Battle of Bataan

Gen. Homma, now resupplied and reinforced, will come again. But this time, with MacArthur gone, the Japanese will face Gen. Edward P. King. And he is determined to hold out. But Homma’s plan is straightforward, to bombard the main defensive line to smithereens even...

Episode 323-Bataan: The Readiness is All

Episode 323-Bataan: The Readiness is All

As Gen. Homma’ reinforcements come in, his confidence grows. Yet his plan to conquer southern Bataan and Corregidor is flawed. Meanwhile, Gen. Jonathan Wainwright is doing all he can to prepare his men to fight the enemy.

Episode 322-The Battling Bastards of Bataan

Episode 322-The Battling Bastards of Bataan

As Gen. Homma, commander of the Japanese forces in The Philippines brings in reinforcements and food, the American Government is finding it all but impossible to resupply Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, the new commander on Corregidor.