As most of Doolittle's Raiders make it home safely, one crew is soon in Stalin's hands and two...
Podcast Episodes
Episode 332-The Doolittle Raid Pt 3: Japan’s Pearl Harbor
This episode covers the flight paths of the 16 Doolittle Raiders. A solid hour of hell is visited...
Episode 331-The Doolittle Raid Pt 2
As TF 16 under Admirals Halsey and Mitscher sail closer to the Japanese Home Islands, the Allies’...
Episode 148-The March on Moscow Part 2
The Germans and Russians clash to the west of Moscow. But within mere days, the Soviet's three Fronts are either destroyed or encircled. The road to Moscow is left open.
Episode 147-The March to Moscow Part 1
With Leningrad cut off and the far South stabilized, Hitler has decreed that the time has come to launch Operation Typhoon, Nazi Germany's attack against the Soviet Capital.
Episode 146-The Siege of Leningrad Part III-Slugfest
Hitler has renewed the drive to Moscow, Operation Typhoon, and needs the panzers from Army Group North. Which means, Leningrad needs to be cut off from help, quickly. September and October become a battle of wills between Stalin and his attacker, as both try to...
Episode 145-The Siege of Leningrad Part 2
Leeb, commander of Army Group North launches his last major assault before having to turn over most of his motorized units to Army Group Center, as it readies itself for an attack on Moscow.
Episode 144-The Siege of Leningrad Part 1
The Germans come ever closer to Leningrad, so Stalin sends his best general to cope, Zhukov.
Episode 143-The Road to Moscow
Army Group Center makes its way East, past Minsk and now on to Smolensk. But waiting for them is the largest Soviet counter attack, to date. Meanwhile, Army Group North is ready to attack Leningrad.