Podcast Episodes

Episode 510-The Fall of Kerch

Using overwhelming artillery, the Germans close in on Sevastopol. Petrov does what he can, but the Stavka stop giving him reinforcements, thinking, the enemy can’t attack for more than 2 weeks at a time. But through daring risks, the Germans get closer, though lose...

Episode 509-Resist Today, Resist Tomorrow, Resist Until It’s Done

During WWII many civilians became resisters, rebels and they would strike at their oppressive governments in any way they could. For some, it will be boycotts, for others, they will choose to pick up weapons. Tyranny should never be allowed an easy victory.

Episode 508-The Fall of Kerch

Though outmanned, Gen. Manstein will brilliantly use what he has to out maneuver the Soviet forces on the eastern half of Crimea. It will take time, but soon the defenders are bottled up, their reinforcements cut off by the Luftwaffe. And on May 8, 1941, the final...
Episode 51-The Hardest Day

Episode 51-The Hardest Day

This episode covers August 16 to the 18th. Goering plans on finishing Fighter Command on August 18th, by using almost every fighter and bomber from Luftflottes 2 and 3. The idea is simply to overwhelm the shrinking RAF forces. But Radar still plays a major role in...

Episode 50- Black Thursday, August 14-15th

Episode 50- Black Thursday, August 14-15th

August 15th was one of the greatest days of battle in The Battle of Britain. Goering makes his plans for improved attacks against the RAF but Dowding and Park stay with their tried method. The fighting continues over the channel while Churchill has his own combat...

Episode 49- Adlertag: August 8th-13th

Episode 49- Adlertag: August 8th-13th

Goering is ready for Phase Two. Fighter Command's air shield will be tested as more and more raids approach the British coasts.  And now that the Radar towers will be targeted, the RAF must fight off the raiders during the day and make repairs at night. Exhaustion...

Episode 48: Things Learned. August 2nd – August 7th.

Episode 48: Things Learned. August 2nd – August 7th.

The RAF and Luftwaffe size each other up and ready for Adlertag. The war in North Africa has started and the British will have to withdraw, like Dunkirk, for now. But they know Egypt must be kept safe. But Mussolini wants his African Empire. Goering is ready for Phase...

Episode 47- Support Teams & The Battle, July 29th-August 1st

Episode 47- Support Teams & The Battle, July 29th-August 1st

The brave men and women behind the RAF pilots and Fighter Command. The British people come together to defend their island: Anti-Aircraft guns, balloon barrage, BAM Fuel, Private companies working ahead of the government, the Air Transport Auxiliary and the Home...

Episode 46-A Day in the Life, July 26th-28th

Episode 46-A Day in the Life, July 26th-28th

This episode gives a glimpse into the daily routine of Luftwaffe pilots fighting over the English Channel. The Straights of Dover are now being called Hellfire Corner from the number of sunken convoy ships. Also July 26th-28th of the Battle of Britain is covered....