Episode 323-Bataan: The Readiness is All
As Gen. Homma’ reinforcements come in, his confidence grows. Yet his plan to conquer southern Bataan and Corregidor is flawed. Meanwhile, Gen. Jonathan Wainwright is doing all he can to prepare his men to fight the enemy.
Episode 322-The Battling Bastards of Bataan
As Gen. Homma, commander of the Japanese forces in The Philippines brings in reinforcements and food, the American Government is finding it all but impossible to resupply Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, the new commander on Corregidor.
Episode 321-MacArthur I Shall Return
MacArthur finishes up his escape from Corregidor to Melbourne Australia. But the news waiting for him is not the General’s liking, basically, there are more troops back on Bataan than there are in the whole of Australia. But Gen. George Marshall will sooth MacArthur’s...
Episode 320-MacArthur’s Great Escape Pt 1
It's time for MacArthur to leave Corregidor, but how? Submarine, plane or boat. MacArthur chooses an early departure over safety, thus he and his will suffer for 600 miles on a PT Boat. But the net around Corregidor is being drawn ever tighter by the Japanese. It's...
Episode 319-How Do You Solve a Problem Like MacArthur?
With the war of Bataan coming to a standstill, FDR and Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Marshall start to think of the future. MacArthur is too popular to let be captured by the Japanese. Besides, someone will have to lead US Army forces in the SE Pacific and there is...
Episode 318-Battle of the Pockets Pt 2
During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the main defensive will...
Episode 317-Battle of the Pockets Pt 1
Gen. Homma has decided to hit the Allied line in two sections. Which means, in Gen. Parker's I Corps, on the eastern side of the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Clifford Bluemel's Sector C will get all of Gen. Nara's attention. And Bluemel discovers a massive hole in his line...
Episode 316-FDR: The Man with No Fear
I am joined today by Richard Lim, host of This American President Podcast to discuss Franklin Roosevelt. Now that the Japanese have struck at Pearl Harbor, FDR must lead the U.S. to victory. But what kind of man and politician was FDR. Join us to find out.
Episode 315-Battle of the Points
In attempting to smash MacArthur’s line on the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Homma will send several amphibious end runs behind the lines. If all works out well, in this Battle of the Points, the Allies will loose all. If not, those Japanese troops may find themselves...
Episode 314-The Battle of Bataan
Gen. Homma sends his forces at MacArthur's defensive line on Bataan. For days the line holds, until it doesn't. Falling back, the Allied try to keep cohesion, in order to stave off destruction.