Episode 321-MacArthur I Shall Return

Episode 321-MacArthur I Shall Return

MacArthur finishes up his escape from Corregidor to Melbourne Australia. But the news waiting for him is not the General’s liking, basically, there are more troops back on Bataan than there are in the whole of Australia. But Gen. George Marshall will sooth MacArthur’s...

Episode 318-Battle of the Pockets Pt 2

Episode 318-Battle of the Pockets Pt 2

During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the main defensive will...

Episode 317-Battle of the Pockets Pt 1

Episode 317-Battle of the Pockets Pt 1

Gen. Homma has decided to hit the Allied line in two sections. Which means, in Gen. Parker's I Corps, on the eastern side of the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Clifford Bluemel's Sector C will get all of Gen. Nara's attention. And Bluemel discovers a massive hole in his line...

Episode 315-Battle of the Points

Episode 315-Battle of the Points

In attempting to smash MacArthur’s line on the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Homma will send several amphibious end runs behind the lines. If all works out well, in this Battle of the Points, the Allies will loose all. If not, those Japanese troops may find themselves...