Episode 480-Japanese Americans at War
Out of the Internment Camps, thousands of Nisei Japanese Americans volunteer for the U.S. Armed Forces. Their contributions will save thousands of GI’s and shorten the war. Here are some of their exploits during and after the war.
Episode 479-America’s Interment Camps
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a dark day for the U.S. But this was followed by another bleak period in the U.S. The creation and forced removal of Japanese Americans along the West Coast, to be placed in Interment Camps. Fear gripped the nation and the reaction was...
Episode 478-Operation Typhoon Comes to an End
Army Group Center is finally making a play for Moscow, but their advance will grind to a halt. The question then is, what comes next. But before Field Marshal Von Bock can get his men going again, the soviets make their move.
Episode 477-Who Has Who Surrounded?
The Soviet front around Kiev is crumbling fast. Over 40 divisions are cut off and surrounded. No help is coming and Stalin has forbade a retreat. Most of these men will perish, but the real question is, how many of the enemy can they take with them?
Episode 476-Strange Inventions of WW2
Many new innovations were created during the war. Some were good, some were bad. This is the story of the less than perfect ones.
Episode 475-Top 5 WW2 Movies
Ryan Fairfield and Tony Lupo, hosts of The Warrior Next Door Podcast come back on, this time invited, to discuss the Top 5 WW2 movies. You may not agree, hell, we probably won't agree with each other, but it will be a good time. The video version will be on YouTube....
Episode 474-Kiev is Trapped
As Gen. Guderian comes south and Gen. von Kleist rushes north, if no one stops them, then Kiev and all its defenders will be trapped. Thus soviet troops along the Desna and Dneiper Rivers give it their all. Will it be enough?
Episode 473-Guderian Approaches
As Axis forces build up to capture Kiev, the bridges over the Dnieper River are contested. Fierce fighting follows, but in the end, the Germans take enough bridges to continue East, after Kiev has fallen. Meanwhile, Gen. Guderian is on his way with his panzers to help...
Episode 472-Keep Them Guessing
So far, Army Group South had done a tremendous job, but now they come upon Kiev. And protecting Kiev’s western approaches in almost 20 miles of anti tank works and barbed wire. Thus another way will be needed, but first, Hitler wants the guts ripped out of the area’s...
Episode 471-My Tank is Thicker Than Your Tank
Operation Barbarossa is launched, but the soviets don’t have their best men in place as they have been killed by Stalin’s purges. In time they will learn but for now, one city after another falls to the Axis. Still, there are moments of heroism but also incompetence,...