Episode 53- Things Missed

Episode 53- Things Missed

This episode covers 4 missed or lightly treated subjects: Operation Pied Piper- the evacuation of Britain's children, the disaster of the Lancastria, the occupation of The Channel Islands by the Nazis and the Italian Conquest of British Somaliland.

Episode 52-Moves on the Chessboard

Episode 52-Moves on the Chessboard

C in C of the Luftwaffe Goering calls his young bloods to Karinhall to devise a new strategy to destroy Fighter Command. The result is a reinforced Kesselring pitted against Keith Park of 11 Group. But during a lull in the fighting, Park and his superior, Air Marshal...

Episode 51-The Hardest Day

Episode 51-The Hardest Day

This episode covers August 16 to the 18th. Goering plans on finishing Fighter Command on August 18th, by using almost every fighter and bomber from Luftflottes 2 and 3. The idea is simply to overwhelm the shrinking RAF forces. But Radar still plays a major role in...

Episode 49- Adlertag: August 8th-13th

Episode 49- Adlertag: August 8th-13th

Goering is ready for Phase Two. Fighter Command's air shield will be tested as more and more raids approach the British coasts.  And now that the Radar towers will be targeted, the RAF must fight off the raiders during the day and make repairs at night. Exhaustion...